The First Presbyterian Church in Sevierville, Tennessee was organized November 7, 1914. The organization, which took place at the Baptist Church, was the result of incorporating Presbytery Sunday School Missions in Sevier County, one of which was Roseville, located four miles south of Sevierville. At the suggestion of Presbytery and with the consent of Roseville, the name of the newly organized church was changed from Roseville Presbyterian to First Presbyterian Church of Sevierville.
The first worship services were held in an upstairs room of a wooden building on Bruce Street. The meeting place was fondly known as “The Upper Room,” Sunday school was held every Sunday afternoon and worship services twice a month.
In 1918, the congregation purchased land on the southeast comer of Belle Avenue and Cherry Street and erected the present sanctuary. The Ladies Aid Society was instrumental in raising money for the pews. The Reverend A. N. Penland was the first supply pastor.
In 1925, the Reverend Charles N. Shard, a native son recently graduated from Princeton, was installed as the first full time pastor. He served until 1927.
The National Mission Board helped pay the church’s expenses until 1943. After the installation of the Reverend R. L. Houston as pastor in 1943, the church became self-supporting. During his pastorate, six Sunday school rooms, a fellowship hall, and kitchen were added to the building.
Restoration of the church tower began in 1979.
In the fall of 1999, one of the most dramatic changes in the church building’s history occurred, new stained glass windows were installed. The funding of the windows was made possible by donations in memory and in honor of past and present members. The windows were dedicated on November 7, 1999. May Studios of Pigeon Forge along with a committee from the church came up with a mountain theme design that blended not only with the church building but also with the natural landscape of our area. The eleven windows will be enjoyed by the congregation and neighbors of the First Presbyterian Church of Sevierville for many generations.
First Presbyterian Church welcomes Pastors Tom and Gayle Burns, who were called by The Lord to our pulpit in April 2023. Pastors Tom and Gayle will lead our congregations as the church continues to provide worship services, Christian nurture, prayer, and space for community activities. Its primary mission is to rescue and replenish a world lost and broken by sin, thereby “Making all things new.”